all postcodes in YO25 / DRIFFIELD

find any address or company within the YO25 postcode district

Postcode Area

YO / York

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
YO25 8AB 13 0 53.970426 -0.273869
YO25 8AD 6 0 53.965657 -0.273533
YO25 8AE 5 0 53.951998 -0.274931
YO25 8AF 4 2 53.972108 -0.260074
YO25 8AG 5 0 53.976875 -0.246246
YO25 8AH 8 0 53.982491 -0.244836
YO25 8AJ 1 0 53.99336 -0.254218
YO25 8AL 11 1 53.972285 -0.272386
YO25 8AN 21 1 53.973362 -0.274141
YO25 8AP 18 0 53.973662 -0.275763
YO25 8AQ 2 0 53.977474 -0.238471
YO25 8AR 11 0 53.974445 -0.273322
YO25 8AS 15 1 53.972624 -0.275501
YO25 8AT 4 0 53.972059 -0.276024
YO25 8AU 33 0 53.97126 -0.276869
YO25 8AW 8 0 53.974791 -0.275549
YO25 8AX 22 0 53.972488 -0.277245
YO25 8AY 63 2 53.969859 -0.286864
YO25 8AZ 50 0 53.970728 -0.283081
YO25 8BA 8 1 53.971723 -0.280982